Top 5 New Mom/Dad Questions?

The most commonly asked questions by any new parent. These may be targeted to the single parent but its works just as well for non-single parents.

  1.  q )How will I know what each cry means?a)  Every Parent will find this helpful…..  No parent in the beginning knows why there child is crying, this will come in time, so follow the basics of newborns. Feed, burp, change the bum. At some point during these 3 steps your baby will calm down.   Sometimes all you have to do is pick up the baby and rock him or her or hold them to your chest. Remember touch is a safety blanket for your little bundle of joy 🙂
  2. q) I’m so tired, how do I keep up my energy?
    a) Well, if your breast feeding then  co-sleep will help, as long as you are comfortable with sharing the bed with the baby.  The best tip I was ever given was when they nap when you nap!  If you cant nap lay down for a little bit and give yourself a break, the mess is not going to get worse when no one is moving.
  3. q) How can I clean and look after a demanding infant?
    a) MIRACLE TRICK a SINGLE PARENT MUST HAVE!!!  Get an infant wrap, this will enable you to keep you baby with you no matter where you go and have use of both hands.  If you do not have one of these then I recommend a small bouncer or swing. The music and motion keeps the baby calm and relaxed while you move around.
  4. q) When should I start a sleeping schedule for my baby?
    a) Read as many books as you like, or as many blogs, for the first 3 months your baby will control your sleeping schedule they will all have one thing in common self soothing.  Around 3 months you should let your baby learn to self soothe 5- 10 minutes of crying is healthy for any child.  Once you and your baby are comfortable with self soothing try putting your little one to bed for the “night” at a reasonable time around  8:00 p.m. , expect 2 wake up calls that are for food and changing, but let them self sooth after they wake up the second time before you jump back into it.
  5. q) As a single parent I do not have the back up I need to take a break when I am stressed. What do I do?
    a) Remember to breath, your baby is crying for a reason, if you just can’t figure it out give your baby something familiar and maybe some soft music, and take a 5 minute time out. Remember your baby can feel when your stressed and chances are your baby is reacting to your emotions. It does not make you a bad parent to take 5 minutes to calm yourself.


So what do you think ?  Is there anything you disagree with or anything you would add? Give me some of your tips and tricks.  


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